Board XXXI

Diego Sandoval Navarro,

The Leiden MUN Foundation’s mission to raise passionate individuals towards making the most out of their voices inspired me to join the board to carry on with a legacy I felt identified with. Being a part of the Foundation has become an irreplaceable experience in my career that has allowed me to grow both professionally by teaching delegates and personally by learning from them.

In retrospect to my previous experiences in the debate world, Leiden MUN made it clear to me that it is not all about academics but ambition, passion, confidence, and professionalism likewise. As a delegate trainer I strive to pass on these values to future delegations. 

Susanna Koppe,
Vice President

Applying to the IEUMUN preparatory track, having no experience in the Model United Nations and just starting my first year of university, felt like a big step. It was one of the best decisions I made that year, having met the most driven, hardworking and passionate people. Working together with such delegates during the IEUMUN and HNMUN preparatory tracks has taught me so much, from the issues concerning the United Nations, to cooperating with other delegates and voicing my own ideas clearly and confidently.

The help and support of my personal mentors has been crucial for me, and has made me able to express arguments and opinions in a persuasive manner. Their help and the community of which I am happy to be a part of, inspired me to become a member of the board as Delegate Trainer. I look forward to working with delegates to push their limits, increase their confidence, and to find their talents and qualities in Model United Nations.

Pieter Mauritz,
Head Delegate Trainer

The Leiden MUN Foundation and my participation in the Harvard and EuroMUN prep tracks marked my first encounter with the world of MUN. Though feeling challenged in this new environment, I soon developed a profound passion for the world of MUN. Throughout the preparatory track and conference experiences, I was not only taught about the skills of debating, negotiating and lobbying but grew immensely as an individual, finding confidence in my ability to express myself.

As a board member and delegate trainer, I now hope to be able to contribute to this journey of future delegates, guiding them in taking on new challenges and finding their voice, while making meaningful and lasting memories and connections along the way.

Lucas O’Connell,

When I first began the IEUMUN prep track in 2023 I didn’t anticipate the impact which it would have on the rest of my life, both academically and otherwise. The Leiden MUN Foundation not only instills its delegates with valuable skills to succeed in a conference setting, but also with the ability to tackle any challenge with a diplomatic and resolution-based approach.

What I’ve learnt is that if you trust the process, follow the guidance of your PDP mentor, and contribute as much as you can in mock sessions, your development as a public speaker is guaranteed. As the treasurer, I aim to provide delegates with the best possible experience in the conference itself, and help them get the most out of what the foundation has to offer.

Jaclin Duja,

Promotions and Acquisitions Officer

I remember visiting Leiden MUN’s information stand in my first week of university in the Hague, and I remember just how impressed I was with the foundation’s commitment to helping students grow - both personally and professionally. Becoming a member of the community has proved to be a thrilling experience, an opportunity to take the next step in my MUN journey, and a chance to put my creative and organizational skills to use.

I am proud to represent a foundation with such an exceptional academic history, known for its determination, perseverance, and pursuit of excellence. I look forward to working with the Board, and I hope that next year, I can be that inspiring voice for the students eager to push their boundaries and achieve their full personal and professional potential.

Noa-Lynn Gilliaert,
Delegate Trainer

Interestingly, finding your voice is just the beginning of what the Leiden MUN Foundation truly offers. It's about discovering so much more: your confidence, the ability to command space, the freedom to be creative, the art of connecting with like-minded individuals, and becoming part of a close-knit community where strangers quickly become dear friends.

Without prior MUN experience, I dove headfirst into my first prep track as soon as I started university. Reflecting on my journey through the IEUMUN and Harvard National Prep Track, I see a half-year filled with some of my most cherished memories. It was the ideal way to complement my studies in international relations, while also honing the soft skills that ultimately helped me secure an internship. Now, as I step into the role of delegate trainer, I am excited to guide students in finding their unique voices, whatever form that may take, and to ensure MUN inspires them as profoundly as it has inspired me.

Juan Escudero,

Delegate Trainer

I joined MUN with the idea of deepening my understanding of the intricacies of international diplomacy and the UN system, but I ended up gaining so much more. Participating in the MUIMUN 24 prep track became one of the most enriching experiences I’ve ever had, helping me develop not only skills in public speaking and negotiation but also confidence in myself and my goals. True to the Foundation’s motto, I found my own voice.

Now, I want to give back by joining the board as a delegate trainer. I’m eager to guide others through this transformative process, sharing the expertise and passion that shaped my journey. My aim is to help future delegations grow academically, professionally, and personally, just as the Foundation did for me.

Bart Huisinga,
Delegate Trainer

Having been involved in MUN for over 10 years, my admission to the 31st board of the Leiden MUN Foundation marks a significant step forward in my MUN journey. I have always felt - and continue to feel - a strong desire to discuss, to articulate, to be heard. In the words of the foundation: to find my voice. As a former Leiden MUN delegate at Harvard National MUN 2024, I have come to understand the unique value of the Leiden MUN preparatory track and the Personal Development Programme in facilitating this.

Having benefited from the inspiring and encouraging environment that is fostered by this foundation, I now want to give something back. I want to share my experience of growth with others. I want to grow further, and reinvest my skills into the same foundation that has taught me them. Indeed, immense gratification can be found in helping others grow. In tandem with my fellow board members, I am looking forward to contributing to the continued improvement and growth of the foundation, and guiding our delegates to success at Harvard and beyond.

Previous Boards

Board XXX

President: Hansika Baldwa

Vice President: Diego Sandoval Navarro

Treasurer: Lucas O’Connell

Promotions and Acquisitions Officer: Greta Heukamp

Head Delegate Trainer: Pieter Mauritz

Delegate Trainer: Noa-Lynn Gilliaert

Delegate Trainer: Susanna Koppe

Board XXIX

President: Enzo Fong

Vice President: Hansika Baldwa

Treasurer: Yosup Shin

Promotions and Acquisitions Officer: Greta Heukamp

Head Delegate Trainer: Leonie Fiebich

Delegate Trainer: Diego Sandoval Navarro

Delegate Trainer: Pieter Mauritz


President: Claudia Pilli

Vice President: Enzo Fong

Treasurer: Yosup Shin

Promotions and Acquisitions Officer: Greta Heukamp

Delegate Trainer: Leonie Fiebich

Delegate Trainer: Hansika Baldwa

Delegate Trainer: Diego Sandoval Navarro


President: Marieke de Vries

Vice President: Claudia Pilli

Treasurer: Yosup Shin

Promotions and Acquisitions Officer: Daniel Khan Gutierrez de la Roza

Head Delegate Trainer: Eduardo Koller

Delegate Trainer: Enzo Fong

Delegate Trainer: Jean Devaux

Board XXVI

President: Nicklas Ron

Vice President: Marieke de Vries

Treasurer: Josue Cedeno Perlaza

Promotions and Acquisitions Officer: Daniel Khan Gutierrez de la Roza

Head Delegate Trainer: Eduardo Koller

Delegate Trainer: Claudia Pilli

Board XXV

President: Donovan Mueller

Vice President: Nicklas Ron

Treasurer: Josue Cedeno Perlaza

Promotions and Acquisitions Officer: Nora Patricia Schobesberger

Delegate Trainer: Eduardo Koller

Delegate Trainer: Artjom Gavryshev

Delegate Trainer: Marieke de Vries (not pictured)