Applications for PIMUN will open in Spring 2022.

Make sure to follow us on our social media channels to keep informed about our activities and application procedures!

Paris International Model United Nations (PIMUN)

For the first time, Leiden MUN’s summer Preparatory Track will culminate with the Paris International Model United Nations (PIMUN) conference. Over a period of 10 weeks of intense training on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, you will have the opportunity to develop your public speaking, debating, lobbying, and negotiating skills. You will work alongside a group of around 15 talented, ambitious, and like-minded students. Our skilled and experienced Delegate Trainers will work with you each step of the way, with one of them being assigned to you personally as part of our Personal Development Programme.

Take a look at some of our previous delegates’ experiences here.

At the end of the preparatory phase, you will take your newfound public speaking prowess to Paris. PIMUN is an international conference that will simulate different United Nations committees. The conference aims at creating an atmosphere in which young students have the possibility to engage in debates in various committees such as UNESCO, the African Union, INTERPOL, the UN Security Council, as well as a number of other regional bodies. It is based in Europe, but focused on a global scale. With over 350 participants from all over the world, PIMUN is a great opportunity for you to develop a wide variety of skills, learn about the most pressing global issues in a practical manner, and form friendships that will last a lifetime.

Practical Information

Conference date: TBC.

Preparatory track: TBC. To learn more about the general structure of the programme, click here.

Delegation fee (estimate): €500,- (Conference fee, accommodation, airplane tickets and other transport, social package, delegation dinner).

Age requirements: 18+. You must be 18 years old at the time of the conference to attend PIMUN.

Do you have any other questions about our delegation? Check out our FAQ!

Are you struggling with the price?

An option we provide is to pay the fee in instalments. You can sit down with our Treasurer to arrange a suitable payment scheme.